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The 24 "Canoe Plants" of Ancient Hawai`i ©

Text by Lynton Dove White of Hana, Maui (Jump down to the table of CONTENTS)

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#1 Hot Site, October 1996
Education Index Award

The 24 "Canoe Plants" of Ancient Hawai`i

Canoe Plants CONTENTS:
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TOP of page or return to the Hawaiian Independence Home Page *)
(Color images by Sam Monet, Medicinal Hawaiian Plants)

Links - Hawaiian Plants and Polynesian Voyaging

Discovery Channel Online Special: Hawaiian Punch: Native Flora Takes a Beating in the Sandwich Isles

Also visit the Medicinal Hawaiian Plants page, for related information and many great plant images (at the Hawaiian Resource Library)

Native Hawaiian Dryland Plants has good images and information on endemic and indigenous species, geared to home growers interested in trying their hand with native Hawaiian plants.

'Ahahui Malama i ka Lokahi (Native Hawaiians for the preservation of Hawaiian ecosystems)

The Hawai'i Natural Heritage Program - Tracking Hawai`i's rarest plants, animals, and ecosystems

Hui O Wa`a Kaulua - Hawaiian Double Hulled Canoes, an organization "seeking to encourage, maintain, and perpetuate the building and sailing of authentic Hawaiian sailing canoes."

Visit the Polynesian Voyaging Society Gopher Site for information on the traditional double-hulled canoes Hokule`a, Hawai`iloa, and Makali`i, like the ancient vessels that brought these "canoe plants" to Hawai`i.

And see the Hawai`iloa Exhibit at the Bishop Museum, including a page on Plants of the Past (Meakanu o Kahiko) which were transported in the canoes.

Another useful related resource:
USEFUL PLANT NAMES Multilingual Database searchable index

Discuss the relation of culture and plants at The Ethnobotany Cafe

Lynton Dove White 24 Canoe Plants of Ancient Hawaii is a Lynton Dove White copyright, 1994. All rights reserved. This material may not be used for commercial purposes. It may be downloaded for private educational and reference use, but any other use or distribution requires permission in writing from the author. To contact the author, send inquiries to:

Send e-mail to exec@hawaii-nation.org for comments on the format, and any bug reports

Animation contibuted by Richard Kapuaala, 21st Century Kahunas

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